Choosing which type of college program to attend is a major life decision. There are a variety of degrees, from Certificates to Master’s degrees. You will likely need to take many factors into account when you make your college choice. Currently, most graduates choose to attend a four year Bachelor’s degree program. However, Vocational Schools are high quality programs that should not be ignored. In this article, we will look into six benefits of Vocational School. They may bring you to consider this schooling type as an option for your future.
1. Quick But Thorough Programs
Associate’s Degrees can be earned at Vocational Schools in about two years, but certificate programs and diplomas take much less time. A quick program can be an important quality in higher education, as it gets you into the workforce and allows you to begin bringing in an income faster than traditional programs.
When you see that the program you want to study can be completed quickly, you may worry and start to assume that a longer program would teach you more. However, this is not always the case. Trade School programs are extremely thorough in your area of study. They are shorter than other degrees because they do not include as many, if any, general courses that do not pertain directly to your future career. These programs are extremely focused to give you exactly what you need within a shorter period of time.
2. Flexible Schedule Options
College schedules can be challenging, especially if you are already at a stage in life where you need to work and pay bills. Not everyone can make weekday morning classes work. Luckily, Vocational Schools typically have more flexibility when it comes to class schedules. Most classes can be taken online, in the evening, or even on Saturdays.
Flexible schedules give you the ability to attend classes you may not otherwise be able to make. They allow you to preserve study time in your schedule, even if you have responsibilities that other college students may not yet have. They allow students to obtain a degree even when they simply cannot make traditional college work.
3. Hands-On Experience
Almost all vocational school programs are taught in a hybrid style, containing both classroom instruction and hands-on training. Since the programs prepare you for one specific job, you will
be able to both learn and practice the exact tasks you will perform in your future career. Higher-level degrees can rarely be as precise, as they lead students to a certain field, not a specific job.
This experience gives you the ability to feel confident in your skills, even during your first day on the job. They also show prospective employers that you are trained and capable to do exactly what they need you to.
4. High Paying Careers
Even though the programs can be completed in a short amount of time, Vocational School careers often provide excellent pay. Some of the top Vocational School jobs for high pay include Construction Management, Dental Hygiene, Sonography, and CNC Programming.
You may make somewhere close to the same amount of money that some Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees provide, but you still save in terms of budget overall. When you attend a Bachelor’s or Master’s program, you would likely rack up large amounts of student loans, causing you to have to pay high monthly bills during your post-graduation repayment period. With Vocational School, you’ll still bring home a high income but you won’t have the same large schooling bills to pay.
5. High Employment Rates
Many Trade Schools advertise and boast about their high employment rates. It is often easy to get a job in your field of study for a variety of reasons. First, as we mentioned earlier, a Vocational School degree shows employers that you have exactly what they are looking for in terms of both knowledge and skill. Second, Vocational Schools often have programs and professionals ready to help you find a job once you graduate. They may help you with your resumé, provide mock interview opportunities, or connect you to employers within your studied field. Third, Vocational Schools typically prepare students for jobs that are in need of workers. Especially when you study a hard labor career, such as welding or construction management, you will find that there are many openings available for you after graduation.
High employment rates are important, because the reason you go to school is to get a career. Many graduates of higher-level degrees have a hard time finding work in their area of study. With a Trade School, you likely won’t have to face the same challenges after you receive your degree.
6. Education Growth Opportunities
If you dream of earning a higher degree someday, do not exclude the idea of Vocational School for your current plans. Vocational school can get you a high quality job, while also being the first step in your secondary education. You can always move forward and earn a higher degree in the future.
When you earn a Vocational Degree, you may even have a head start on your future higher education degree. If you take any general courses, they can usually be applied to your future program. If you take the time to earn an Associate’s Degree at your Vocational School, you may even be able to skip the generals required for a Bachelor’s degree in the future and earn a four year degree in just two years. Even if you have other educational dreams for the future, a Vocational School degree in the current time is not a bad plan.
Overall, Vocational Schools have a wide variety of benefits and provide students with excellent career opportunities. They are shorter programs, filled with hands-on experience and offered in a flexible schedule format. They provide excellent employment rates in high paying careers, as well as opportunities for educational growth in the future. If these benefits seem like they are a good fit for your future education and life in the workforce, consider looking into a Trade School near you.