Classroom Dynamics

Classroom Dynamics: Teacher vs. Facilitator Mentality and Its Effect on Students

“Inclusive education is a dynamic, ever-evolving approach that requires ongoing reflection and continuous enhancement.” – Dennis D, Munk

Classroom dynamics is a multi-faceted concept. It takes into account teaching methodologies, for one. It also includes the interaction between the teachers and students in a formal classroom community. Finally, it also considers the fostering of an environment that is conducive to learning. Teachers play an indispensable role in the classroom. However, their most pivotal function is to facilitate learning and growth.

Moreover, a teacher should be able to stir discussions and debates that are productive and benefit the entire class. Those with the innate ability to facilitate students to think in a particular direction are the ones who can set a positive classroom culture. A facilitator of learning helps students:

  1. Distinguish between radically different concepts
  2. Forge a positive self-concept
  3. Delve into self-dialogue and exploration

Teacher as a Facilitator

A teacher is an important personality in an individual student’s life. You may only think of them as someone who controls the classroom or leads the class. Or you may visualize a person emphasizing one’s weaknesses, so that they may work on it. In any case, they do much more than delivering content related to their subject.

The concept of traditional teaching is limited to informing the students about how to think and how to work. In other terms, the way makes it clear that one mold should fit all. Such a one-way transmission of knowledge transforms teachers into clerks and students as their customers. Learning loses its basic essence of creativity and innovation. Moreover, somewhere along these lines, it adopts the qualities of a retail event.

Things change when a teacher shifts their attitude from a position of superiority to an educator. It is then that they focus on:

  1. Enabling rather than leading
  2. Encouraging instead of pointing out weaknesses
  3. Understanding the student rather than merely delivering lectures

These elements make up a successful classroom dynamic. As the term suggests, facilitators are those that enable, equip, and prepare their peers to function holistically in any given situation.

Studies in humanistic psychology introduce the idea of teachers as facilitators of learning and their role in classroom dynamics. Carl Rogers was the main contributor to the principles of facilitation of learning, stating:

  • Each individual has an innate desire to learn
  • Self-initiated learning is more natural for the learner to absorb
  • A productive environment induces enhanced learning
  • The coherence of a topic determines an individual’s ability to learn
  • Strategic learning can be advantageous for the learner

How to Adopt a Facilitator Mindset

Following these principles, educators can see a dire need for a change in the education system. The lack of initiation and indecisiveness in students, even at the college level was strong evidence. Students often show hesitance or no response to the question, “what do you want to do?” This indicates how previous educational experiences obscure their judgment and individuality.

Once the deficit is identified, teachers, parents, and the education system may adopt corrective measures to improve classroom dynamics. Classroom dynamics, by definition, is the multi-directional interaction of all individuals in an educational setting to benefit, enhance, and learn. This means the teacher as a facilitator is not responsible for instilling ideas in mind. Instead, they’re in charge of switching on the ability of critical thinking in their charges.

Practical implementation that can make this happen includes:

  1. Activity-centered teaching style
  2. Group work
  3. Self-learning
  4. Peer interaction
  5. Brainstorming sessions
  6. Arts, crafts, and music

To promote classroom dynamics, all aspects of learning would need revising.

Effect of Facilitator Mentality on Classroom Dynamics

The emphasis on adopting a facilitator mindset is evident by the development in classroom dynamics. Here are some of its significant effects that you’ll see in students:


An interactive teaching style limits a one-way transmission of knowledge. When students indulge in activities and use resource-based learning techniques, they don’t get time to feed their boredom. They are free to roam their mind maps and explore. This eventually makes the student welcome an opportunity to learn.

Enhanced Critical Thinking

The students who are able to search for answers and self-learn are often better at tackling unforeseen circumstances. Even out-of-book questions and multi-logical problems do not prove as challenging as self-learning does. This marks facilitation’s effect on classroom dynamics as holistic and progressive.

Excellent Socializing Skills

As part of a classroom, whether as a teacher or student, we all come across various kinds of colleagues. Some clearly don’t participate like the rest. This often hinders their full learning potential. Group work and peer interaction facilitate an individual in working with fellow learners. Also, it instills in them a respect for others’ ideas and opinions.


Successful classroom dynamics allow the students to learn and grow in their capacity while keeping their individuality intact. Students who face difficulty in deciding a career path are still struggling with this capability. Learning should not be limited to outside knowledge but exploring oneself as well. Good teachers should recognize an individual’s strengths and allow them to work towards it. As a result, a student does not lose their creativity and develop outside-the-box thinking.

Compassion and Understanding

Learning is a lifetime process. The facilitator mindset transforms a classroom environment to allow the teacher to learn, as well. They tend to understand students better rather than just leading them. This instills a sense of personalization amongst the students and teachers. The said sense helps maintain a healthy learning environment fulfilling another principle of facilitation. Students in their initial years of learning automatically absorb this positivity and habitually implement it in life with fellow peers and in diverse surroundings.

All of these factors promote character development and versatility. Students are more inviting to new ideas and passionate about what they want. Thus, an initiative-taking and proactive breed of students are ready to fulfill numerous career opportunities. Therefore, you must opt for a platform that believes in the facilitation of learning rather than teaching.

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