
6 Reasons to Study Cosmetology

When considering whether to study cosmetology or not, you’ll find a number of different reasons in its favor. If nothing else, in this exciting career field of beauty and wellness industry, you may get to travel, work according to your schedule, and even, earn well. And it all begins when you choose to study cosmetology.

Still doubt if this field suits you? We’ll give some details to help you make up your mind:

Creative Freedom

Whether you become a cosmetologist instructor or a hairstylist, you also remain an artist. The creative freedom that this field brings is one of the main reasons why it attracts so many individuals who live to express themselves through their work. Would you like a job where you set the standards? Do you like to experiment with new styles, designs, and techniques? Is the thought of a transformation enough to light a fire under you? Well, then, you’ll be choosing the right career path for yourself when you study cosmetology.

Income & Cosmetology

Mainly, what you earn will depend on the type of work you do in the salon or outside of it. As a hair stylist, for instance, doing a great job would mean getting repeat customers will become more likely. A great personality can also make you a client favorite. Hair stylists make between $32,000-59,000 per annum.

If you’re an instructor, then you must be able to form a rapport with your class. Additionally, finding creative ways to impart knowledge to them is also essential to your success. Instructors earn almost as much or more as the hair stylists do.

But if you elevate your qualifications and skills with a master’s or Ph.D., then you may also follow the path into the private medical sector. Skincare specialists, for example, can expect to earn $31,290 annually.

As you continue to amass experience in your field, you can also opt to share that knowledge. That will bring you to the profession of a cosmetology teacher. Instructing the next generation of practitioners can mean you begin to earn around $42,579.

Or, you might want to wander into the entrepreneurial side of things. For the ambitious, there’s a chance to supplement their income in other ways. Consider starting a range of beauty products. While this might require some additional studying, you could end up leaving an impression on the industry with your creations!

Secure Career

Just think for a second if you see an end to the beauty industry. Can you conceive a world where this field won’t be a billion-dollar, global business that it is? We sure can’t! That means you’re looking at a secure career. There are always newer versions of the products and treatments that we see today. Businesses and practitioners continually develop better formulas. If you study cosmetology, you, too, can increase your market share in this way. It is all about satisfying customer demand.

Moreover, you can expect the diversifying of beauty standards. It means addition of diverging options for you to branch out. Even the recession couldn’t make a dent in the beauty industry. It continued to prosper during the previous economic downturns, and the trend will continue. The rise of social media has made it easier for cosmetologists to get in touch with influencers and their followers.

Additionally, the male-grooming sector hasn’t reached its zenith yet. Therefore, you can look forward to remaining relevant for years to come when you study cosmetology.

Flexibility & Cosmetology Careers

Another huge draw to the field of cosmetology is the flexibility that comes with a career in it. Decide the time you will spend working and set your own hours. Want to work out of your home? Sure, that is possible, too – if you can meet the standards of the services you offer and the state you function out of.

But it isn’t just the flexibility of your workday schedule that you will enjoy in cosmetology. You’ll also find you can choose to offer either general cosmetology services or pick an area that you want to specialize in. By selecting a specialized service that only you offer in your area, you can carve a niche for your craft.

Travel Widely

Business travel is often a given for cosmetologists. You can take part in hair shows that are hosted in various cities. Keep up with the looks of the season or travel to a certain place to learn a technique that it is famous for. The more exposure you gain, the greater the variety that you can offer to your clients.

Moreover, mix pleasure and business when you take the family with you to fun and exotic locations. Get your work done and spend some time with them. The ambiance itself will inspire creative ideas in your cosmetology-wired brain. Meet experts and specialists or work on celebrities. You won’t lack options with a cosmetology degree!

Quick Transition into Practicing Cosmetology

There is a vast range of career options for students of cosmetology. You can consider which one to pick. We mention some examples below:

  • Beauty therapist
  • Skin care specialist
  • Makeup artist
  • Hair stylist
  • Brand representative
  • Fashion show stylist
  • Salon owner

A great range of choices means that you could be working in the industry very quickly.

Furthermore, the industry connections that you form during your time at beauty school will be useful in career progression later. Therefore, don’t miss out on the competitions and other similar opportunities.

Going to cosmetology school is the step that will get your career started. Once you complete it, you will be looking at a wide range of opportunities. Choose to work side-by-side with other stylists or instructors. Get into research and develop your line of skincare products. Or, help celebrities model new looks off- and on-camera. You may also open your own business where you do hair and makeup for your clients. Help people feel good and look their best. You can always find something new to learn when you graduate from beauty school. Have other ideas in mind? Discuss them with us here!

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