choose cosmetology school

How to Choose the Right Cosmetology School: Costs and Requirements

choose cosmetology schoolChoosing the right cosmetology school can be the first step to a rewarding career in the beauty industry. Cosmetology school trains you to become a professional makeup artist, skin care specialist, stylist, or beautician. With a cosmetology certificate, you can provide services that include caring for clients’ skin, hair, and nails.

Before you pick the cosmetology school to attend, there are a few factors to consider. The first is making sure the school is accredited. Then you have to think about things like cost, graduation rates, and career assistance. But it’s also vital to ensure that the school offers courses in the areas of cosmetology you want to specialize in.

This article is a guide to deciding on the best cosmetology school for your career in beauty. You will learn about the requirements for enrolling in beauty school and how much it costs.

Why Choose Cosmetology School?

Enjoying a lucrative career and a high-paying job are the best reasons to study cosmetology. More and more corporations and individuals are concerned about their looks. This means that people are prepared to pay top dollar to look good. As a professional cosmetologist, you use training to beautify someone’s appearance.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there is tremendous growth in the cosmetology industry. For example, there is a 17 percent growth in jobs as skincare specialists. Depending on the type of specialist cosmetology work, you could earn between $35 and $50 an hour.

What Will You Learn in Cosmetology School?

Beauty school teaches you the art and science of beautifying appearance. You learn how to apply procedures to enhance the look of hair, nails, and skin. Here are some of the training courses that cosmetology school offers:

  • Hair Design — Hair care involves cutting, coloring, shaping, and treating hair.
  • Nail Technology — You learn how to perform pedicures and manicures as well as nail artistry.
  • Esthetics — Estheticians care for all aspects of the skin. This includes facials, exfoliation, anti-aging procedures, and hair removal.
  • Makeup Artistry — As a makeup artist, you will know how to apply makeup to enhance or change a person’s appearance. Some cosmetologists work in the film industry, and others do makeup before special occasions or fashion shows.
  • Chemistry — You learn how various chemicals react on the skin. Also, you get training on how to apply beauty treatments and solutions to get the best results. Salon hygiene and safety are vital aspects of using chemicals.

Additionally, you will also learn the basics of running and managing a beauty salon.

Requirements for Cosmetology School

To enroll in beauty school, you should have a high school diploma or GED. Depending on your state, there may be age requirements for cosmetology school. Of course, to be a successful beautician, makeup artist, or hairstylist, you should have a love of art and fashion, as well as an eye for detail.

Cost of Cosmetology School

The cost of attending cosmetology school varies from school to school. To get a cosmetology degree from an accredited beauty school, expect to pay around $10,000 to $15,000. Although this may seem expensive, it is cheaper than a four-year degree program. Also, you can complete your degree in one or two years.

To help pay for getting a cosmetology degree, you should check out the possibility of getting financial aid. Many students — traditional and non-traditional — qualify for grants or scholarships. For example, you may be eligible for a Pell Grant — free money for your education.

Related reading: Insider secrets to win a scholarship.

How to Choose a Cosmetology School

Selecting the right cosmetology school to attend is crucial for your career. While most beauty schools teach the basics of cosmetology, some schools offer specialized programs. Specializing in a specific area of the beauty industry is the best way to land a high-paying job.

Here are six ways to choose a cosmetology school to suit your career goals.

1. Choose an accredited cosmetology school

First, the school you attend must be accredited. Not only does accreditation help you get funding, but you will also find it easier to get a job. Most states don’t offer licenses to beauty stylists, skincare specialists, or makeup artists if they’ve not graduated from an accredited beauty school.

2. Research beauty schools

The second step is to research the accredited cosmetology schools in your area thoroughly. Check out what type of courses they offer. It’s also worthwhile looking at portfolios of graduates’ work to see gauge the standard of teaching.

3. Check out the cosmetology curriculum

To be a highly-rated professional beautician, you should choose a cosmetology school that offers a wide range of programs. Having a broad skill set maximizes your career opportunities after graduating. Some cosmetology colleges offer majors such as hairdressing, styling, electrolysis, skincare, and makeup artistry. However, it’s best to have a broad range of skills.

4. Make sure you get hands-on experience

The best cosmetology schools educate students on beauty theory, design, and hygiene. However, you should make sure that the school offers plenty of practical lessons. For example, does the school connect with local salons to provide work experience?

Are you a non-traditional student who wants to attend cosmetology school? Look for a school that offers online courses and provides training in local salons. That way, you can combine learning with your other responsibilities.

5. Choose a cosmetology school that offers business skills

To be a successful cosmetology graduate, you need more skills than just an eye for beauty. Make sure that the beauty school also teaches business skills. Knowing about running a salon, managing employees, and marketing will help ensure your cosmetology career flourishes.

6. Pick cosmetology schools that offer career assistance

Choose a school that actively helps students find work if you want to start a lucrative career in cosmetology. The best beauty schools have close ties with local businesses, such as spas, salons, hotels, medical facilities.

Choose a Cosmetology School That’s Right For you

Choosing the right cosmetology school is crucial if you want to enjoy a successful career in beauty. Apart from the cost, make sure that the beauty school offers a broad curriculum with opportunities to major in a specialized field. Going to cosmetology school could be the best choice you ever made.

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